Daniel Gale Sotheby's Intl. Realty
Daniel Gale Sotheby's Intl. Realty

36 Main Street

Cold Spring Harbor, NY, United States

Shirley Chu

Shirley Chu

As a homeowner, landlord, developer, residential and commercial specialist, Shirley Chu brings to her clients seasoned knowledge of the real estate market, and unflinching dedication to satisfying their unique needs. With an extensive background in property investments for over two decades, she understands that a home is not only rewarding emotionally in your life, but most importantly, financially as your greatest asset.

Fluent in Mandarin, Spanish and English, Shirley has personally invested in properties overseas and works extensively with international clients.

Information is power, she believes. Shirley continually stays up to date on the latest trends, sales activity and new developments in the world of real estate, to better educate her clients and empower their decisions. This combined with her contagious positive energy, problem solver mindset, flair for making homes more marketable, and get-it-done attitude intensifies her appeal as a results-driven full-service agent.

Originally from Taiwan, Shirley moved to Ecuador when she was 12, and to New York at age 18. She hails from a prominent family who founded a leading global lifestyle brand, and are proud alumni of FIT, as she is. "Personally-tailored service to each client's needs" has always been her business philosophy, starting years ago when she worked as a travel consultant.

In addition to her passion for real estate, Shirley loves to dance (she was the Pro-Am Latin Dance Finalist in 2018) and to volunteer. She gives of her time to Gloria Place of Hope and at a local hospice, plus is a Liaison Officer with UNICEF.

作為 ⼀名業主、房東、開發商、住宅和商業房地產專家, Shirley 為她的客 ⼾提供豐富的房地產市 場知識,並堅定地滿 ⾜他們的獨特需求。憑借著她在房地產投資⽅⾯的 20 多年豐富經驗,她明 ⽩,房⼦不僅 能給你的 ⽣活帶來情感上的回報,⽽且最重要的是,在經濟上,它是你最⼤的資 產 。

Shirley 會講流利的國語、 ⻄班牙語和英語,她還親⾃投資海外房產,並與國際客⼾廣泛合作。 她堅信,信息就是 ⼒量。 Shirley 時刻關注房地 產⾏業的市場趨勢、銷售活動和最新發展,以便更 好地向客 ⼾進⾏分析,並幫助他們做出決策。加上她賦有正能量,解決問題思維,讓房⼦變得更 有市場競爭 ⼒的天賦以及把事情做好的態度,讓她成為⼀個出⾊的全⽅位地產經紀⼈ 。

Shirley 來 ⾃台灣, 12 歲時移居厄瓜多爾, 18 歲時移居紐約。 她出 ⾝於⼀ 個顯赫的家庭,創建了 ⼀ 個全球領先的 ⽣活時尚品牌,她還是 FIT 引以為傲的校友。從她多年前擔任旅游顧問開始,就 ⼀直 秉承著 “ 為每 ⼀位客⼾的需求量⾝定制服務 ” 的經營理念。

除了對房地 產的熱愛之外, Shirley 還喜歡跳舞(她是 2018 年拉丁舞專業決賽選 ⼿),她還喜歡做 志願者。她常為 Gloria Place of Hope 非牟利機構和社區 ⼀家收容所服務,另外她還是聯合國兒童 基 ⾦會的聯絡官 。

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Regent Territory
North Shore of Long Island

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